Coaching Resources

Drill Name
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Coaching Points
Donkey Tails
pass out a pinnie to each player players stuff pinnie into back of shorts like a tail on “go” parents chase players &  try to steal tail 1. use turns to get away from parents                 2. quick changes in pace                                        3. switch back & forth so kids chase too
King of the Ring
create 20×20 grid using discs on “go” players dribble inside the grid players try to knock each other’s ball into touch 1. use turns to get away from opponents           2. keep your head up & survey the field              3. don’t let your ball get knocked out
Bear & Hunters
create 20×20 grid using discs line all players up at one end with a ball players dribble up to bear until he wakes and chases 1. get as close to the bear as you can                 2. turn & burn when bear awakes                        3. light touches, keep ball close to feet
Tur, Turn, Turn
create 20×20 grid using discs players spread out with a ball at their feet dribble around grid & listen to coach commands 1. execute big toe & little toe turns                                          2. execute Cruyff turn & pull back                                              3. execute roulette
Brazilian Line Pass
set up 2 cones approx 10 metres apart, 1 ball divide players in half & line up behind cones 1st in line passes to player 10m across from them 1. toe up, heel down, never on the ground                                      2. pass with side of foot                                              3. follow pass to back of opposite line